We're watching the Oscars . . .

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
When I was in school, I got to see The Wizard of Oz in our little theater. It was the 50th anniversary of both the movie and the theater's opening and The Wizard of Oz was the first movie shown there. They did a big remodel/update to the theater and showed the movie for a week at their big grand reopening. It was really fun to see it on the big screen!
In Memphis they have a Classic Movie Series at the Orpheum every summer. It is really awesome to see movies like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Streetcar Named Desire, and even some later classics like The Breakfast Club and Princess Bride on the big screen in a theatre over 100 years old. It makes for a fun evening, park and take the trolley to the Orpheum, go have dessert at the Peabody, then drinks and dancing on Beale Street.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
In Memphis they have a Classic Movie Series at the Orpheum every summer. It is really awesome to see movies like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Streetcar Named Desire, and even some later classics like The Breakfast Club and Princess Bride on the big screen in a theatre over 100 years old. It makes for a fun evening, park and take the trolley to the Orpheum, go have dessert at the Peabody, then drinks and dancing on Beale Street.
that sounds fun!


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
Alright, alright, alright. This was one of the best Oscar award ceremonies to date! It was great fun! I loved Jared Leto's speech (he needs to cut his hair!!!!)! I really loved Matt's speech the best! It sounded kind of rehearsed in some parts, but it really came off as very, very heartfelt (Who's your hero?). I was totally rooting for him and Leto to win and I am so happy that they did. I haven't seen this film, have actually been avoiding it as it looks to be a serious tear-jerker. Ellen really hit it out of the park with her hosting. Pizza! I don't think she'll live that one down. Her tweeted picture is the BOMB! I really don't think there is anyone else who could have done what she did and gotten away with it. Blanchette won, and that was no surprise to me- everyone said when her movie came out that she had it in the bag. Travolta's edging towards creepiness now.......I wish I could've been here with you guys, doing some critiquing, but I had my own annual Oscar shindig to host. Kim Novak looks like the rich lady from New York City who wants to look like a cat- seriously, when someone has 'work' done don't they have someone tell them whether or not it looks good? Kenny Rodgers anyone? Maybe I should coin the term 'Kenny Rodgers Syndrome'? Who wants to place a bet on whether or not the gal from The Hunger Games trips and/or falls next year? Just sayin'........
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M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
Alright, alright, alright. This was one of the best Oscar award ceremonies to date! It was great fun! I loved Jared Leto's speech (he needs to cut his hair!!!!)! I really loved Matt's speech the best! It sounded kind of rehearsed in some parts, but it really came off as very, very heartfelt (Who's your hero?). I was totally rooting for him and Leto to win and I am so happy that they did. I haven't seen this film, have actually been avoiding it as it looks to be a serious tear-jerker. Ellen really hit it out of the park with her hosting. Pizza! I don't think she'll live that one down. Her tweeted picture is the BOMB! I really don't think there is anyone else who could have done what she did and gotten away with it. Blanchette won, and that was no surprise to me- everyone said when her movie came out that she had it in the bag. Travolta's edging towards creepiness now.......I wish I could've been here with you guys, doing some critiquing, but I had my own annual Oscar shindig to host. Kim Novak looks like the rich lady from New York City who wants to look like a cat- seriously, when someone has 'work' done don't they have someone tell them whether or not it looks good? Kenny Rodgers anyone? Maybe I should coin the term 'Kenny Rodgers Syndrome'? Who wants to place a bet on whether or not the gal from The Hunger Games trips and/or falls next year? Just sayin'........

You hit this review out of the park, KingRiceFan. It was indeed one of the Best Oscar Shows ever! I bet your Oscar Parties are wonderful. I love the Oscars . . .

Ellen was amazing . . .somehow, I just knew this was going to be one of the best ever. I could feel it!
I think Travolta's fighting his personal demons. I think he really needs to be true to himself . . .if you know what I mean.

Alright, alright, alright!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Yes, they could have faked being nice while on T.V. If I'd won for best screenplay I would have thanked the director regardless. Ridley was really rude onstage when 12 Years won best picture. He looked and acted as if he was just mad.
I wish I could see that again so i could watch them. I'm telling you, why can't people give each other credit for things? Why? I wouldn't feel good about myself if I didn't give someone proper credit. And I wouldn't insist on getting credit if I didn't deserve it.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
I wish I could see that again so i could watch them. I'm telling you, why can't people give each other credit for things? Why? I wouldn't feel good about myself if I didn't give someone proper credit. And I wouldn't insist on getting credit if I didn't deserve it.
I'll see if I can find a clip later to post. It was just so obvious . . .I knew something was up with them by the way he walked pass Steve to accept his Oscar. Just stupid they were acting like kids.